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Search engine in a sentence

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Sentence count:173Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: researcherenginesearchengineerresearchsearch forheat enginein search ofMeaning: n. a computer program that retrieves documents or files or data from a database or from a computer network (especially from the internet). 
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91. An impostor could not pretend to have a good search engine.
92. Overall, this paper discussed the design method of a distributed search engine.
93. Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer unveiled the new search engine at the D: All Things Digital conference Thursday in Carlsbad, Calif., which, like the Wall Street Journal, is owned by News Corp.
94. With the maturity of general search engine technology, personalization and intelligentialize gradually become the main direction of search engine technology.
95. China's human flesh search engine has quickly claimed the virus coder to be a Java script programmer named Chao Sen.
96. To add to the challenge, Google (the most influential search engine for many web authors) indicated that it will only process microdata.
97. This field is used by the Advanced Search Engine as a Limiter.
98. How is the problem we should take off those who search engine to manacle ?
99. In addition, and marketing service providers, such as trade magazine publishers talk, Internet search engine, operators, etc.
100. I am conjectural , future may have originality of a culture search engine portal.
101. The secrecy policy causes search engine technology to remain largely a black art and to be advertising oriented.
102. Indeed, more documents can make a search engine worse, if it doesn't have good relevancy.
103. The world's ten most unanswerable questions include "what is the meaning of life", "does God exist", showed a study made by Ask Jeeves, a popular search engine in US.
104. But if the website of the link is put in cogged circumstance, perhaps had been deleted to index by search engine, add similar link to be able to cause immediate harm to the website.
105. " Pinchbeck masses remove furniture " be full of search engine, consumer is deceived ceaselessly, this lets company of card masses remove furniture is very indignant.
106. However, Mr. Payne left Microsoft in 2007, before the Redmond, Wash., company unveiled the Bing search engine that is being used to power search results on Yahoo in a revenue-sharing arrangement.
107. You use a search engine to find information, but when you click on the top link you are suddenly faced with x-rated pictures and very graphical commercials for generic Viagra.
108. Gaza . net - Web directory and a search engine for Gaza Strip including a copy of the ODP directory.
109. And while Google has the leading mobile search engine, and has acquired a strong mobile advertising product in Admob, it's still way too early for Google to even think about Android as a money-maker.
110. Research on Intelligent Web Search Engine of Unstructured Spatial Information.
111. The search engine application might return result documents so that the field that the user searched upon always appears first.
112. The black raspberry handset user may use this search engine to discover the nearby service and the attractive place.
113. Failure to complete your Domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may result in cancellation of this offer making it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web.
114. As a courtesy to domain name holders, we are sending you this notification for your business Domain name search engine registration.
115. Search engine, as one of its primary navigational system, thereby gains its widespread application as well.
116. With the economic rise of search, more people begin to concern the world's major search engine performance, technology and daily flow.
117. The emergence of distributed search engine can solve the problem in this regard.
118. Lastly, since the public files are quite well indexed by Google, I came up with the simple idea to create a Google custom search engine and added it into the layout of our website.
118. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
119. GOOGLE search engine keeps on top by its PageRank and convergence algorithm.
120. If search engine to cannot search your site quite, your company has to be less than the advantage that improve or is got-up site.
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